Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 4th!

We’ve never celebrated the Fourth of July in another country before…it puts America in a whole new light. It also makes us extra thankful for the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. We celebrated with several other American missionary families from the surrounding areas.  It was weird being around so much American food…grilled chicken, cookies, baked beans, potato salad, apple pie….wow. It was amazing!  J  

Doing some tie dye with the kids!

Both of the families brought interns with them who were all college agish. It really was a blessing to be around them. We had fun hanging out, getting to know each other, swapping stories of our experiences and impressions and etc.. Had a fun jam session with the drums and guitars. One of them brought a frisbee…made our day. J It’s been too long since we’ve played Ultimate frisbee… been missin one of our favorite sports!  It was a good day and lots of fun.

The "interns"- a bunch of American kids and one Canadian 
who love Jesus! So fun! 

....Also been playing with the kids and doing school with them…we rotate between cards, trampoline, soccer, board games, reading, arts and crafts, dance competitions on the Wii when the generator is on, sometimes trying to concoct something in the kitchen… 

Check out this shirt :) 

The boys...

...and the girls

We drove through a rain forest the other day...saw quite a few baboons and some chimps...baboons can be kinda scary- just sayin. 

River through the rain forest

It’s been sunny the last few days which has been awesome. it was good to get out and wash some of our clothes!! Thank God for sun so we can dry our clothes and play some soccer! 

Come on, Brayden- wash some clothes. 
It's kinda fun and builds muscles. lol

That's not how you do it. :) 

Quote of the week came from 7 yr. old Silas to Brayden. Brayden just asked Silas what he wanted to do for the afternoon and he responded, “Let’s do something manly….like take off our shirts and eat some BBQ.” 

 Bryn and hilarious Silas

Hahaha! Love these kids. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT you guys!
    No one is as patriotic as an expatriate, i've come to find out.
    God bless the USA!
    And Canada, eh? ;P
