Monday, July 11, 2011

July 10th

Helped take care of some other missionary kids this weekend so the parents could all go out to eat together. It always amazes me to be around American kids who have been born and raised in another culture…their perspective on life is so different and so eye-opening. They play hide-and-seek in tea fields, know that if they find a snake or caterpillar it’s most likely very poisonous, kill rats with bats and brooms, take malaria medicine when they get sick, eat fish eyes….they are used to talking about the hard, painful things of life. They can hold a conversation about their favorite movie and music and then go to a village and change the way the interact and speak so that they are showing respect to the people of the culture they live in… It’s amazing!!

We’ve been talking a lot with Mr. and Mrs. Cash about seeing the world through the lens of our culture… even if we are “individualistic” we are still an individual within our culture…Even the way we interpret Scripture often times is very influenced by culture…. How can we begin to see the world less with an American- colored lens and more with a Jesus-colored lens. We can’t help be affected and influenced by our culture- what we know and love. But what does it mean when Paul says he became, “all things to all men to win some”?

Sunday morning, we brought the guitar to children’s church during the sermon and taught some new songs with hand-motions. We love working with these kidos…praising them and seeing their faces light up. Holding their hands and feel them cling to us…

That afternoon, we celebrated Brayden’s 19th b-day and the Cashes 18th anniversary!! Went to Mountains of the Moon (a restaurant down the street from their house that has really good food).  Mrs. Cash made a chocolate cake!! That in itself was amazing. :D Chocolate cake has always been highly prized at the Goode household… Brayden got some sweet African gifts…some leather sandals and a wallet, a dagger, tshirt and etc… So happy birthday Brayden!! (This is Bryn here: just wanting to say that Brayden is an awesome brother and wonderful best friend. So glad we get to go on this adventure together! You have become an awesome man of God…thanks for all the work out sessions, long talks, for making me laugh at the end of an argument, for rappin out with me, for being patient as big sis learns how to go from 2nd mom to your friend…J You da bomb broski)

And happy anniversary to Jeff and Cheryl!! A marriage of 18 yrs- most of which has been spent here in Uganda. They are such a testimony to both of us. Their heart for God, for the lost, for His Word…their passionate, heartfelt prayers…their perseverance and commitment to the work in the face of heart-ache, disappointments and incredible odds. -Thank you both for continuing to fight the good fight of the faith while pursuing love and faithfulness.


  1. Happy Birthday Brayden! Sorry I didn't know when we were talking with you earlier today! :P Liked the hat though ;D Brayden the Hobbit! ;D I have been longing lately to go to another country so that I may learn Jesus through someone else's eyes. Like in Radical, I am so sure that there are many things that affect our perception of Jesus and the bible.

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a blast!! Keep on writing! It's as close as we can get to being there with you guys! Praying for you!
