Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Faithful in the small things

In the movie Amazing Grace John Newton said, “God sometimes does His work with gentle drizzle, not storms. Drip. Drip.Drip…..”   It is easy to be a follower of Jesus when He calls us to do big exciting and sometimes hard things. When He is doing His work in a storm.  I have really enjoyed several of the things we’ve done this past week-  like driving through the Ugandan countryside to visit the airstrip that Mr. Cash owns and talking to the mechanics that may be working on his airplane (more on that later); or sharing a meal with some of our friends here… I even got to help Mr. Cash assist two German tourist gals who were new to town. J However, as I said, it is easy when you have exciting things to do for the kingdom of God. But… what happens when nothing earthshaking happens? What if it is God’s work is being done in a gentle drizzle? This is what my week has been. Nothing earthshaking … It has happened to be a surprisingly and fairly normal week. But God calls me to be just as enthusiastic about following Him now living a peaceful life as when I am fighting fires (which I may get to do while I am here) or getting my hands dirty for Him. God says in His word, “Be still, and know that I am God.” My friends, know that if you are in a still time in your life, God is just as much at work in your life as when you are in the middle of the heart pounding times of your walk with Him. God is at work. Even if His works don’t seem huge and flashing-they still are. Maybe not in ways that makes sense to us at the time. But they are huge.  


I think this is something God has been showing both of us in various ways over the past couple of weeks…Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land…” I think often times, I try so hard on the doing good part that I forget to DWELL in the land. Completely embracing where I am right now.  I am so thankful for the rest and semi-quietness of the past week… It’s so refreshing to have a chance to practice Isaiah 30:15- “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘…In quietness and trust is your strength.”  When we ask God to enable us to…

make the most of every opportunity.

see every task a ministry.

live life on purpose.

dwell in the land.

…it allows us to no longer see life as boring or normal, but rather as LIFE and JOY.

I’ve been listening to a new song by Cloverton called Take Me Into the Beautiful…."Take me into the beautiful/Won't you take me back again/With a love unexplainable/Come and fill up this dry land/Let it open our eyes/To see a world we've never seen/Let it open our hearts up/Take me into the mystery/Gently lift me with Your grace/Make the chaos a chorus/With Yourself come fill this place
/Cover me with Your mercy/Come and cover me with love/Cover me so that all might see/That it's You not me..."

May it be so!

Have an awesome week ya’ll!
