Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Filming, Sunday School and Sickness

The past few weeks several bugs and viruses have been rotating around the family...Brayden was boasting about being the last man standing- only to wake up puking one night. :P We couldn't help but laugh (after the fact) how ironic it was. He was talking about being the only one not really into vitamins and was the only one who didn't seem to be getting sick...well, so much for that! We are hoping this ends soon! No fun at all, but just part of it...Praying that everyone gets their strength back soon.

The past few weeks we have had the blessing of being able to teach Sunday school with the kids. We have been doing puppet shows, singing, acting out Bible lessons, coloring and etc. It has been so fun! Trying to bring the Bible to life for them and explain stories even through translation is a little bit of a challege...but seeing understanding and smiles cross their faces is priceless....seeing their faces light up when we praise them. No, they're not always little angels, but we're still very thankful we have had this opportunity!

We also took a couple of days to do some filming...we've been trying to get a lot of footage of different locations and parts of the ministry here. We went out to camp Saaka, to the airstrip, the church and etc...Seeing what God has been doing...seeing the projects and things that still may done...Probably a favorite experience of the filming was riding through some forest and villages on the top of the land cruiser...never had a better view of the mountains and roads!! We laughed and laughed at the kids faces as we drove past...crazy American kids riding on the top of a vehicle- who does that? :)

Friends back home and especially the Brazell family are still very much on our hearts...God has faithfully been our strength and comfort the past week. We love you guys and pray for you often...think of you so much and praise God for Jimmy's life...we will never be the same after having the blessing of being counted among his friends...God is our strength and song. His love is truly better than life...


Doing some school

Love this pic!

Filming with Jeff and Derrick

:) whole baked fish- lunch

Brayden at the airstrip

Filming- African style

Brayden and Derrick taking a break at Saaka

1 comment:

  1. Love it you guys! Keep us informed and keep on serving!
